Corporate and Economic Criminal Law

Economic Criminal Law emerged in Brazil during the 1980s with the introduction of legislation aimed at protecting both individual and collective legal interests. This marked a shift in Criminal Law towards addressing not only offenses against individual rights, but also crimes affecting public interests such as environmental crimes, financial system violations, and anti-competitive practices.

Today, directors and employees of corporations facing allegations of crimes committed in the course of their professional duties are held accountable for their actions. Consequently, companies increasingly seek legal counsel to either represent their executives and employees in criminal investigations and trials, or to provide proactive and strategic legal advice through consultancy services.

In the wake of Operation Car Wash, precautionary measures such as asset freezing, breach of confidentiality, search and seizure operations, and preventive detention have become commonplace, impacting both companies and their personnel. This underscores the critical importance of corporate legal counsel over the past decade.

Our firm offers comprehensive legal counsel to companies across various industries, domestically and internationally. We provide consultancy and representation services to executives and employees involved in criminal proceedings.